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Wisekids Covid 19 Christmas Box

In a bid to bring joy to children’s heart this Christmas, Wisekids Trust will be donating the COVID 19 Christmas Food Boxes on 19 December 2020 to 40 vulnerable and gifted kids. There’s nothing more heartfelt than a smile that creeps across a child’s face. A total of ZAR435.14 helps us to buy one food box/per kid.

Donate at our Backabuddy crowdfunding platform page.

wisekids christmas box feature image

You can also donate via bank transfer into the accounts listed below,

referencing your payment "Covid19 Christmas Box"


Wisekids Bank Account

USD Account

Bank: Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe

Account Name: Wisekids Trust

Account no: 9140003579815

SWIFT code:                

Swift Code: SBICZWHX

Correspondent Bank SWIFT: BKTRUS33

ZWL account:  
